Club Colombia Eterno, Una Historia Nonuya
Club Colombia - Bavaria
Cerveza Club Colombia
Nombre | Compañía | Cargo | |
1. | Álvaro De Luna | Bavaria | Marketing Vice-President |
2. | Juan Camilo López | Bavaria | Brand Marketing Director |
3. | Juan Sebastian Serna | Bavaria | Brand Director |
4. | Juan David Falabella | Bavaria | Brand Manager |
5. | Joffre Carmona | Buentipo Anchor | Chief Creative Officer |
6. | Jose Mendoza | Buentipo Anchor | Chief Executive Officer |
7. | Quimet Brugues | Buentipo Anchor | Chief Experience Officer |
8. | Horacio Maggi | Buentipo Anchor | General Creative Director |
9. | Christian Tufano | Buentipo Anchor | General Creative Director |
10. | Juan Carlos Valero | Buentipo Anchor | General Creative Director |
11. | Juan Carlos Herrera | Buentipo Anchor | Creative Director | Copywriting |
12. | Andrés David Marcelo Rubio | Buentipo Anchor | Creative Director | Head of Art |
13. | Daniel Díaz | Buentipo Anchor | Art Director |
14. | Diego Navarro | Buentipo Anchor | Graphic Designer |
15. | Diego Márquez | Buentipo Anchor | Copywriter |
16. | Orlando Velásquez | Buentipo Anchor | Production Designer |
17. | Daniel Cuervo | Buentipo Anchor | Planning Director |
18. | Juliana Espinoza | Buentipo Anchor | Planning Manager |
19. | Mauricio Álvarez | Buentipo Anchor | Executive Director |
20. | Alicia Malpica | Buentipo Anchor | Executive Manager |
21. | Valeria Uribe | Buentipo Anchor | Executive Manager |
22. | Diego Borjas | Buentipo Anchor | Head of Production |
23. | Juan Franco | Buentipo Anchor | Post Production |
24. | Laura Toro | Buentipo Anchor | Production Manager |
25. | Jonathan Mendoza | Buentipo Anchor | Post Production |
26. | Francisco Jimenez | Buentipo Anchor | Creative Director |
27. | Mauricio Carvajal | Buentipo Anchor | Graphic Designer |
28. | Cristina Irrazabal | Buentipo Anchor | Executive Manager |
29. | Sara Castiblanco | Buentipo Anchor | Executive Manager |
Club Colombia Eterno, Una Historia Nonuya es una Edición Especial creada para inmortalizar y rendir homenaje a nuestra historia a través de la obra de Don Abel Rodríguez, artista Nonuya del Amazonas. Una historia nunca antes contada que tuvo como propósito perpetuar una cultura botánica, ancestral y humana al borde de la extinción.