Ganadores 2019


Rhino / O6-001307



Cliente o Anunciante Conservación Internacional
Producto Conservación Internacional
Inscrita por Julián Sotelo
Categoría O6

Carlos Andrés Rodríguez , Director Creativo General

Juan Pablo Maldonado / Camilo Jiménez / Jorge Pinto , Director Creativo

Jaime Andrés Tovar , Redactor

Roger Gonzales , Director de Arte

Diego Aguilera , Productor de la Agencia

Laura Gonzales , Director de Cuenta

Captivity is one of the worst states an animal can reach; but the destruction of their habitat is making this their only option of life. That is why Conservation International created a campaign to make us understand that captivity can save an animal; But protecting their habitat can save an entire species.