Ganadores 2019


Elder / P6-001344



Cliente o Anunciante Conservación Internacional
Producto Conservación Internacional
Inscrita por Julián Sotelo
Categoría P6

Carlos Andrés Rodríguez , Director Creativo General

Juan Pablo Maldonado / Camilo Jiménez , Director Creativo

Jorge Pinto , Redactor

Roger Gonzales , Director de Arte

Daesung Lee , Fotógrafo

Diego Aguilera , Productor de la Agencia

Laura Gonzales , Director de Cuenta

Global warming is winning the battle, the level of the seas increases and every day, the Planet Earth has less surface. To generate awareness and invite people to react, Conservation International created a campaign with an ironic message that tells us that it is easier to save the planet every day, because every day we have less planet to save.